Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Housekeeper's Alphabet

APPLES -- Keep in dry place, as cool as possible without freezing.
BROOMS -- Hang in the cellar-way to keep soft and pliant.
CRANBERRIES -- Keep under water, in cellar; change water monthly.
DISH of hot water set in oven prevents cakes, etc. from scorching.
ECONOMIZE time, health, and means, and you will never beg.
FLOUR -- Keep cool, dry, and securely covered.
GLASS -- Clean with a quart of water mixed with table-spoon of ammonia.
HERBS -- Gather when beginning to blossom; keep in paper sacks.
INK STAINS -- Wet with spirits turpentine; after three hours, rub well.
JARS -- To prevent, coax husband to buy our Cook-Book.
KEEP an account of all supplies, with cost and date when purchased.
LOVE lightens labor.
MONEY -- Count carefully when you receive change.
NUTMEGS -- Prick with a pin, and if good, oil will run out.
ORANGE and Lemon Peel -- Dry, pound, and keep in corked bottles.
PARSNIPS -- Keep in ground until spring.
QUICKSILVER and white of an egg destroys bedbugs.
RICE -- Select large, with a clear, fresh look; old rice may have insects.
SUGAR -- For general family use, the granulated is best.
TEA -- Equal parts of Japan and green are as good as English breakfast.
USE a cement made of ashes, salt, and water for cracks in stove.
VARIETY is the best culinary spice.
WATCH your back yard for dirt and bones.
XANTIPPE was a scold. Don't imitate her.
YOUTH is best preserved by a cheerful temper.
ZINC-LINED sinks are better than wooden ones.
& regulate the clock by your husband's watch, and in all apportionment of time remember the Giver.

Source: Practical Housekeeping: A Careful Compilation, Estelle Woods Wilcox and Bertha Clow, 1883

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